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MBcell TSB (Tryptic Soy Broth)
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재고/예정재고가 없을시 약 2024-10-24일 납품가능 합니다.
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* 일반세균 증균을 위해 가장 기본적으로 사용되는 배지이며, 대한약전 무균시험법에 기재된 배지와 동일합니다.
* 배지충전시험(Media Fill Test)용 감마멸균된 배지를 원하시는 경우에는 본사로 문의바랍니다.

TSB ( Tryptic Soy Broth ) [MB-T1053]
Medium used for the cultivation and enumeration of a wide variety of microorganisms.
* Equally use with MFDS (MB-T1053K), KP (MB-T1053P), USP, EP and KFCC (MB-T1053C).
* 먹는물 수질공정, 대한약전, 미국약전, 유럽약전, 화장품공전과 동일한 규격입니다.
Description Quantity Cat. No
TSB (Tryptic Soy Broth) 500g MB-T1053
TSB (Tryptic Soy Broth) * 500ml x10 MB-T1053M
TSB (Tryptic Soy Broth) 5kg MB-T1053-5kg
* 500ml x 10 제품의 경우, 500ml 배지를 제조할 수 있는 파우더 양만큼 소분 되어있는 제품입니다.

Suspend 30.0 G of powder in 1 L of distilled or deionized water. Heat to boiling until completely dissolved. Sterilize by autoclave at 121°C for 15 minutes. Cool to 45 - 50°C in water bath. Mix well. Pour into tubes.

The powder is very hygroscopic. Store the powder at room temperature, in a dry environment, in its original container tightly closed and use it before the expiry date on the label or until signs of deterioration or contamination are evident. Store prepared medium at 2 - 8°C.


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