• 기준카테고리 : E
1번 이미지
  • 1번 이미지
Encapsulation Epoxy for Photovoltaics and OLEDs
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(옴니사이언스는 Ossila의 한국 공식 distributor입니다.)

이메일 문의 : omniscience001@gmail.com

A light-curable epoxy suitable for solar cell and LED encapsulation. Sets at wavelengths of up to 350 nm and is safe for use with most organic materials.

Curing wavelength: up to 350 nm


  • approx. 100 μl per standard sized substrate (10 ml ~ 100 standard substrates)
  • approx. 600 μl per scale up sized substrate (60 ml ~ 100 scale up substrates)


Ossila's E132 PV & LED Encapsulation Epoxy can be used as an adhesive for organic light-emitting diodes and organic photovoltaics without damaging the polymer or cathode. In conjunction with a glass coverslip, it can provide a robust barrier against ingress of oxygen and water, thus providing extended lifetimes for measurement and storage.

Curing can be achieved with UV or visible wavelengths as long as 350 nm, and at high intensities (100 mW/cm2) takes as little as 5 seconds. At lower intensities (such as those found in many lab-scale light boxes), curing time may be considerably longer (at up to 20 minutes).

Our encapsulation epoxy has been shown to encapsulate flexible substrates during an Innovate UK funded investigation.

PV & LED Encapsulation Process with Ossila Epoxy

Encapsulating the devices protects them against degradation by oxygen and moisture once removed from the glove box. True encapsulation for lifetimes of thousands of hours requires the use of glass welding technology and/or getter layers of calcium. However, we have developed a quick and effective way of encapsulating devices for lifetimes of several weeks or months under ambient conditions by using a specialised epoxy.

For small substrates (up to 2 cm2), place a single drop of epoxy dispensed from the end of a pipette onto the surface of the substrate, and place a glass cover-slip over the top. The encapsulation epoxy will then spread under the weight of the cover-slip over the course of a few seconds.

Check for voids and air bubbles under the cover-slip and if necessary gently press down on the coverslip to remove. Ensure the active area and metal cathode are covered.

Place in a light-box and expose until hardened.

Please also note: If used in a glove box, the encapsulation epoxy should be allowed to de-gas any absorbed oxygen/water for at least 24 hours prior to entering the glove box.

Video Guide - PV and LED Encapsulation

Encapsulated OLED when new Encapsulated OLED after six months
1-week old device vs 6-month old device


Viscosity 250 to 360 cps @ 23°C
Appearance Colourless
Cure schedule 5 to 30 seconds at 250 to 350 nm at 10-100 mW/cm2
Refractive index 1.4957 (at 589 nm)
Specific gravity 1.09 to 1.21 g/cc
Cured Shore D Hardness 85+ D
Tensile strength 8,000 psi
Elongation 3%
Glass transition temperature 138°C
CTE 50 x 10-6
Shelf life 12 months at 23°C
Dielectric constant 3.94 @ 60 Hz @ 20°C
Volume resistivity 3.0 x 1014 Ω cm

배송/반품/교환 안내

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화물발송 : 택배로 운송될 수 없는 상품 (예: 장비류, Cart류, 규격Size이상의 크기, 초과중량의 상품)
1. 택배발송
(1)일반고객, 소비자
  - 주문금액 100,000원 미만 : 운임비 고객 부담. 착불 또는 주문시 결제가능
  - 주문금액 100,000원 이상 : 운임비 판매자 부담 (단, 택배배송 불가능 상품은 고객부담)
(2)납품업체, 딜러
  - 주문금액 100,000원 미만 : 운임비 고객 부담. 착불 또는 주문시 결제가능
  - 주문금액 100,000원 이상 : 운임비 판매자 부담 (단, 택배배송 불가능 상품은 고객부담)
2. 화물발송
 택배발송이 불가한 상품, 장비류(Oven, Autoclave, Mill, Cart류 등), Glass Tube, 등의 운임비 별도로 명시된 상품 : 운임비 고객부담
• 제주도 및 도서 산간지역의 경우 추가 운임비가 발생할 수 있습니다
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 (2)포장상태에 이상이 없고, 재판매가 가능한 경우  (단, 왕복 택배비는 고객님께서 부담하셔야 합니다)
2. 교환 및 반품이 불가능한 경우
 (1)반품 요청 기간이 지난 경우
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제품 고장 및 A/S
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 (1) 상담센터  (031-217-7950)
2. A/S 과정
 (1) 절차에 따라 택배발송 또는 화물 발송.
 (2) 수리비 발생시 고객님께 통보, 입금 확인 후 제품 발송
3. 무상 A/S
 (1) 장비구매시, 구매인증 하신 후 1년
 (2) 무상 A/S 불가능할 경우 :
    ① 장비를 임의로 개조하여 사용하였을 경우
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